Hey! My name is Keziah, and I am a total “housewife hacker.” I left the corporate world almost 5 years ago when my first child made a mom out of me. I remember sitting at my desk 9 months pregnant knowing that I wasn’t going back to work after she was born and thinking “I cannot wait for this baby to be born; life is going to be so easy.” I thought I was laboring my way into the most stress-free time of my life. Two kids later, I realize I have never been more wrong.
I now spend my days chasing my two amazing kiddos and our adorable pug through life. Whether it is princess tea parties, fort building, or making mud in the backyard there is never a dull moment with these two. Along with all these great memories constantly being made there is still a lot of responsibilities for me as the domestic engineer of this household. As much as I would love to spend my days playing with my kids, there is still laundry to be done, meals to be made, a house to be cleaned and an amazing husband to be loved.
With having two kids 22 months apart, there were a few years there where I thought I was never going to see the light at the end of the tunnel. Was my house ever going to be clean again? Was I ever going to get to work out again? Was there ever going to be a moment when someone wasn’t touching me? I know what it feels like to be the overloaded, over stressed stay at home mom.
There is so much pressure on moms to be perfect at everything: feed your kids healthy foods, have your kids in the appropriate activities, have a clean house, and stay in shape. The list goes on and on. Over the last 5 years I have struggled with the pressure to be perfect in all of these areas. Then one day in dawned on me, I do not have to be perfect; I just have to hack it enough to make it look like I am. Over the years, I have come up with a few hacks to make getting through the long stressful days a little easier. I started this blog to help fellow moms like me out there, to give you some of my pearls of wisdom that I have had to learn the hard way, in the trenches of motherhood.
We can totally hack our way through this whole house keeping thing that comes along with motherhood… and save those precious moments.